
NJU iSchool attended Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS & T2019)


The 82nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology(ASIS&T) was held in Melbourne, Australia, from October 18 to 23, 2019. Professor Deng Sanhong, Professor Wang Hao, Professor Zhu Xuefang, Professor Li Jiang, Professor Ou Shiyan, Dr. Sun Honglei, Dr. Zhao Yuehua and some students attended this meeting.


The ASIS&T conference, hosted by the American Association for Information Science and Technology, is an annual event in the international field of information science. It has been held 82 times since it was first held in 1937. The theme of the conference, INFORMATION ANYONE, ANYWHERE, ANY TIME, ANY WAY, explores the implications of information in the context of a new era.

During the conference, Professor Ou showed her research progress in text mining in poster form. Professor Li Jiang showed his research progress in scientometrics in poster form, and chaired the discussion of the citation analysis forum. Dr. Zhao Yuehua presented the report: Listening to the User's Voice: a temporary Analysis of Autism-Related Questions on Quora at the Institute of Health Informatics. Dr. Sun Honglei presented in poster form the results of her research on the influencing factors of information behavior of new urban migrants in China. She was invited to participate in a doctoral forum and had a half-day academic discussion with more than a dozen doctoral students and tutors at home and abroad. PhD candidate Zhang Xuanhui supervised by Professor Zhu Qinghua showed her research progress in the field of digital humanities in poster form, PhD candidate Song Xiaokang supervised by Professor Zhu Qinghua received the Best Poster Award titled as The Role of information cues on users perceived credibility of online health rumors.


In parallel with the academic exchanges, Professor Deng and Dr Zhao discussed with associate professor Du Jia of the University of South Australia on collaboration between the Nanjing University and the University of South Australia on international study tours, it lays a foundation for future cooperation and exchange between the two universities.

At this international conference, the teachers and students of our school showed their achievements in research and actively interacted with their international counterparts, further showing the style and features of our school's double-first-class discipline construction.