Faculty Job Openings
Founded in 1902, Nanjing University is one of the oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher learning in China. With the motto of 'Sincerity with Aspiration, Perseverance with Integrity,' the university carries the spirit of constant striving for educational and academic excellence. At present, NJU has 28 schools under the university’s direct supervision, the number of the students in 2016 is 32,999 in total, including 13,583 undergraduates, 10,865 master students, 5,335 doctoral students, and 3,216 full-time international students. School of Information Management is one of the leading iSchools in China (//pgsite.net/), with more than 60 faculties, 800 students and excellent facilities. We are priding ourselves on the history and reputation of Library and Information Science education in China, and we are also looking forward to promote Data Science education in the coming future. Thus if your research areas are or be relevant to the following subjects, don’t be hesitated to contact our HR officer (Ms. Ting YU, Email: [email protected]; Tel: 86-025-89687291). The preferred subjects are fairly broad, but should include a strong modeling component addressing one or more of a range of topics. These include, but are not limited to: Information Science, Information Resources Management, Management Information Systems, Computer Science, Library Science, Archival Science, Publishing Science, Electronic Commerce, Human-Computer Interaction, Semantic Web, Data Science, etc. The following positions are always open to potential applicants:
lPeak Climbing Programs(PCP) PCP is a special plan for outstanding applicants , and open for both graduated PhDs and experienced faculties. Once accepted, the PCP A plan can offer faculty at least 480,000 RMB per year for continuous 3 years, with a number of funding to start your research plan, an independent laboratory, big discount to get apartments nearby and other well-beings. PCP B plan can offer faculty at least 240,000 RMB per year for continuous 3 years, and similar well-beings, the only limitation is the age of applicant should be under 40.
lTenure-Track Professor The successful applicant will be expected to have or be going to have a PhD degree in half a year, and preferred majors include LIS, Management Science and Engineering, Business Management, Computer Science and etc. Besides that, the applicants should have published at least 1 research paper in SCI or SSCI&AHCI indexed journals, and certificate the ability to develop an active research program, supervise graduate students, and teach a variety of undergraduate and graduate courses. This position offers 160,000- 300,000 RMB per year.
lPostdoctor The successful applicant will be expected to have or be going to have a PhD degree in half a year, under 43 years old. The Post-PhD position offers 120,000- 300,000 RMB per year, necessary research facilities and accommodation conditions, and other allowance and well-beings. Any candidates apply for above positions should submit your materials electronically to our school HR office, including cover letter, curriculum vitae, referred publications, any available teaching evaluations, three letters of recommendation and availability for interviews.
Contact Address: No.163, Xianlin Avenue, Qixia District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, China
Phone: +86-25-89687291
For more information related to the position, please visit //hr.pgsite.net/