主持人:闵超 副教授
地点:pg电子官网 A316会议室
主题: Intelligent Bibliometrics: Models and Applications
Intelligent bibliometrics, highlighting the development and application of computational models elaborating artificial intelligence (AI) and data science techniques with bibliometric information for broad studies in science, technology, and innovation (ST&I). Its main tasks include topic extraction, relationship measurement and discovery, and prediction. Some representative works include embedding-based models for topic extraction and classification, heterogeneous network analytics for relationship discovery and prediction, etc. We have successfully applied intelligent bibliometrics to a wide range of ST&I scenarios, e.g., profiling large-scale coronavirus literature, discovering gene-disease associations, detecting emerging technologies, and recommending knowledge trajectories of scientific researchers.
In this seminar, I will describe how my efforts take actions on recombining AI and data science with practical scenarios, problems, and issues. I will showcase intelligent bibliometrics modelling through two cases: (1) Bi-layer bibliometric network analytics for characterising emerging general-purpose technologies and recommending knowledge trajectories; and (1) streaming data analytics-based analysis for monitoring topic disruption, evolution, and resilience, using the coronavirus research as an example.
张嶷博士现为澳大利亚悉尼科技大学计算机学院与澳大利亚人工智能研究院副教授。具有管理科学与工程博士学位(北京理工大学)与软件工程博士学位(悉尼科技大学)。他是2019年澳大利亚研究理事会杰出青年基金获得者DECRA(Discovery Early Career Researcher Award)。获评《澳大利亚人》2023年度科研大奖,被授予澳大利亚图书馆与情报学学科领军人物。他是美国佐治亚理工大学公共政策学院访问学者(2011-2012)以及澳大利亚墨尔本大学理学院访问学者(2022-2023)。
张嶷博士现担任杂志Frontiers in Research Metrics and Analytics专栏主编,杂志Technological Forecasting and Social Change、IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management以及Scientometrics副主编。