学术报告: 创新的扩散——基于信息科学角度的回顾
摘要: Innovations refer to new ideas that have value and impact. Innovations are connected with creative, breakthrough, and original. They are the essential driven forces to advance science, technology, health, and society. How to diffuse innovations is critical to enable massive and sustainable adoption of innovations, and improvement through re-invention. Diffusion of Innovations is the classic masterpiece in the field of communication in 1960s. It is time to revisit it as its four key elements have been completed changed because of big data and social media. This talk will showcase several ideas on how to enable data-driven analysis to better understand diffusion of innovations.
演讲人:丁颖 美国印第安纳大学副教授
主持人:孙建军 南京大学教授、pg电子官网 院长
地点:pg电子官网 潘琦楼 A211
丁颖博士现为美国印第安纳大学信息与计算学院的副教授以及数据科学网络课程的副主管。她参与着美国国家卫生研究所(NIH)、自然科学基金以及欧盟资助的众多项目。已发表190余篇期刊和会议论文,担任超过180多个会议的程序委员会的成员。她是多本英文图书著作及章节的作者。她担任着期刊Journal of Data and Information Science的共同主编,并且是4本ISI索引的信息科学和语义网方面的期刊的编委会成员。她还是数据科学公司Data2Discovery的共同创始人。她目前的研究兴趣包括:数据驱动的知识发现,语义网,知识图谱,科学合作,以及Web技术的应用。