
杜佳:Use of the photovoice method in information studies


嘉宾:杜佳(Tina Du)博士

School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, University of South Australia

主题: Use of the photovoice method in information studies


地点:pg电子官网 大楼211会议室



Dr Tina Du is Senior Lecturer of Information Studies and Australian Research Council (ARC) DECRA Fellow at the University of South Australia in Adelaide, Australia. Tina is a Visiting Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK during December 2016-February 2017.

Tina obtained her PhD in information studies in 2010 from Queensland University of Technology, for which she was awarded the prestigious Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Award. She has published 65 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings, including 15 SCI/SSCI papers, and raised over $690,000 for research.
Tina is an Editorial Advisory Board Member of two Emerald international journals Online Information Review and the Aslib Journal of Information Management.Tina has been awarded Outstanding Reviewer by Emerald Awards for Excellence in both 2015 and 2016. She has served as chairs and PC member for several international conferences as well as having delivered 10 invited talks and public lectures at universities in Australia and overseas. She is the selected 2017 cohort of the South Australian Governor’s Leadership Foundation (GLF) Program.


Taking photos has become ubiquitous, a common dimension of many people’s lives. In a research project, photos taken by study participants provide visual information from the participants’ perspective, allowing self-expressions as well as providing a basis for discussion. Importantly, photos may bridge the gaps between researchers and participants, where communications, especially involving emotions, may be inhibited by cultural norms or language inadequacies. However, little attention has been paid to the use of photos in information studies.
In this presentation I shall present a study which has used the technique of photovoice with follow-up interviews to investigate the everyday information behaviour of Asian immigrants during their settlement process in South Australia. As a research method, photovoice portraits the way people identify, represent, and enhance their community through images.

I will talk about how a photo can provide a voice to a participant’s experience and open a dialogue between researchers and participants as well as the challenges of using photovoice method. Employment of the photovoice aspect of the inquiry adds substantially to customary qualitative methods.
