
Thomas D. Walker:Unstructured Data Silos into Information Resources


报告题目: Unstructured Data Silos into Information Resources: Overcoming Information Management Obstacles in a Medical Equipment Corporate Division

报告人:Prof. Dr. Thomas D. Walker

Associate Dean of the College of Education, Information and Technology and Director of the Palmer School,Long Island University


报告地点:pg电子官网 A211

主持人:   朱庆华 教授 (Prof. Dr. Qinghua Zhu)


New York City has been a cultural and economic capital for more than 100 years and it should not be surprising that it leads in the tech sector as well.  But unlike the legendary Silicon Valley, New York's Silicon Alley bears social and cultural stamps that distinguish it from the overtly technological world found in California.  New York's is tied to applications that are heavily imbued with applications that reflect its prominent past as a publishing center, fashion community, and artistic society.  This presentation will highlight some representative examples of tech companies that reflect these social/cultural facets and of publishers, retailers, and social media that are prominent implementations of technologies that combine to capture the character of this vibrant city.


In the Summer of 2016, Dr. Thomas D. Walker joined Long Island University as Associate Dean of the College of Education, Information and Technology and Director of the Palmer School.  For much of his career he was associated with the iSchool (School of Information Studies) at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee.  After gaining tenure and promotion there, he left for an administrative opportunity as Director of the School of Library and Information Science at the University of Southern Mississippi and returned to SOIS about four years later as Interim Dean.  In the early 2000s, Walker served as Associate Dean, Graduate Program Representative, Director of the MLIS Program, and SOIS Ombudsperson.  At UWM he participated in many campus-wide governance groups and projects related to assessment, curriculum, faculty tenure and promotion, and marketing.  He has over 100 publications that have ranged from encyclopedia contributions and short journal articles to longer treatments of topics in knowledge organization, scholarly communication, and historical bibliography in such journals as Knowledge Organization, the Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, The Library Quarterly, He has presented at conferences and workshops in England, Scotland, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, China, Kuwait, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, and Canada and recently presented a paper about ethics and aesthetics as elements of a conceptual model for musical. Between 2013 and 2016, he was the Executive Director of the Wisconsin Center for the Book, an affiliate program of the Library of Congress.  He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Illinois, his MA at the University of Chicago, and an MM from Northwestern University.
