
美国Drexel大学信息学院教授学术报告 ​



报告题目:1. Convergence of Computing and Informatics(计算与信息学的会聚)

   2. Information Visualization: The Intersection of Computer Science, Information Science, and Data Science(信息可视化: 计算机学,信息学及数据科学的交汇点)


报告人:1. Prof. Dr. Yi Deng(邓毅 教授),  CCI,  Drexel University

Isaac L. Auerbach Professor & Dean         

2. Prof. Dr. Xia Lin(林夏 教授),  CCI,  Drexel University

Tenured Professor & Department Head           

主持人: Prof. Dr. Fred Y. Ye (叶鹰 教授)


下午2: 00-3:30,讲题1

         下午3: 30-5:00,讲题2




Prof. Dr. Deng received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Pittsburgh. Before joining in Drexel, he served as dean of the College of Computing and Informatics at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and dean at the School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University. In this presentation, he will introduce the College of Computing and Informatics at Drexel University, and discuss opportunities and challenges we face, and our strategic drive for the convergence of Computing and Informatics in education, talent development, research and industry engagement to better serve the talent and innovation needs of the new economy.

Prof. Dr. Lin received his Ph.D. in Information Science from the University of Maryland at College Park. His research areas include information visualization, knowledge mapping, information retrieval, digital libraries, and visual interface design.  In this presentation, he will introduce the concept of the grant information field and discuss how information should become the basic foundation for all the fields in the higher education. The nature and challenges of the grant information field will be discussed first and followed by specific examples.

