嘉 宾:Javed Mostafa教授(美国北卡大学教堂山分校教授、JASIST主编)
地 点:pg电子官网 A211会议室
主 持 人:朱庆华教授
主 题 1:Research Analytics in Biomedicine: Challenges, Innovations, and Evolving Role of Information Professionals and Systems
时 间:2019年8月4日(周日)上午10:00
Volume of biomedical literature and data is growing at a rapid pace. There are many challenges associated with handling the growth in a systematic and effective manner. Merely providing access to information is not sufficient. Scholars need powerful discovery, analysis, personal information management, and dissemination tools. In this talk, He will discuss in detail some of the challenges associated with managing scholarly biomedical information and I will provide some new directions for addressing the challenges.
主 题 2:Medical Image Retrieval: Using Machine Learning to Improve Information Retrieval
时 间:2019年8月5日(周一)上午8:30
Significant technical advances have been made in image processing and analysis. However, their applications to medical image retrieval, particularly in realistic clinical settings, have been limited. Our goal is to conduct classification and indexing of medical images in near realtime, i.e., soon after the image capture process is completed. A related goal is to support highly precise retrieval and analysis functions over a dynamic image collection - a collection which continuously grows and changes. We created a research platform, called ViewFinder, designed to support image manipulation by specialists in the domain of Alzheimer. Currently, the system supports several retrieval functions based on textual metadata. As training and testing collections we are using the preclassified image data set from the Alzheimer Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) at UCLA. In this presentation, he will discuss the case of a trade-off between representation and access in the context of functions supported in ViewFinder and present experimental results to demonstrate how a balance between representation and access potentially can be achieved.
主 题 3:Pathway from Research to Translation: How to be become a Successful Educational Entrepreneur
时 间:2019年8月6日(周二)晚上19:00
Javed Mostafa, Frances McColl Distinguished Term Professor at the UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS), is the Director of the Carolina Health Informatics Program and the Director of the Laboratory of Applied Informatics Research. His research concentrates on information retrieval problems, particularly related to search and user-system interactions in large-scale document/data repositories. He also serves as the Deputy Director of the Biomedical Informatics Core at the NC Translational & Clinical Sciences Institute and has current research engagements in biomedical data mining, analysis, visualization, user interface design, and multi-modal human- computer interaction.
He regularly serves on program and organizing committees for major conferences and participates as reviewer for major grant initiatives. Javed served as an associate editor for the ACM Transactions on Information Systems for eight years. He currently serves as the Editor-in- Chief of the Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology. He also serves as an editor of the Information Processing & Management Journal and an Associate Editor of the ACM Transactions on Internet Technology journal.Translating scientific advances to health care improvements is a passion for Javed, and based on support from UNC’s Translational & Clinical Sciences Institute, he co-founded a company concentrating on patient-centric decision-support and streamlined care- workflow called Keona Health (keonahealth.com).
At UNC, Javed holds a joint faculty position in information science at the iSchool and in the Biomedical Research Imaging Center at the School of Medicine. Additionally, he holds the title of Adjunct Professor of Community and Family Medicine, School of Medicine, Duke University.