嘉 宾:Bernard J Jansen教授(卡塔尔计算研究所首席科学家、IPM主编)
主题 1:Using Imaginary People to Understand Real Users
地 点:pg电子官网 A211会议室
时 间:2019年9月23日(周一)下午2:00
Personas are imaginary people that represent real users. Creating personas by processing complex online behavioral and demographic data is an on-going research and commercialization project. Using tens of millions of interactions by people engaging with thousands of online posts, we demonstrate that our automatic persona generation methodology has several novel accomplishments, including identifying distinct behavioral segments based on content consumption patterns; detecting impactful demographics groups; and creating rich persona profiles by adding names, photos, and other attributes. We have validated our approach with a working system and evaluated the system by examining the accuracy of predicting content preference of personas, the stability of the personas over time, and the generalizability of the method by applying to multiple datasets. Findings illustrate the approach can develop rich personas representing real people using online data from major social media and other platforms.
主 题 2:The Perilous Journey of Journal Publishing
地 点:仙I-204教室
时 间:2019年9月25日(周三)上午10:00
Publishing a research article is a journey! We will discuss challenges and advice on preparing, submitting, and revising research manuscripts to increase the probability of acceptance at a top-tier journal. The insights are based on my experiences as editor-in-chief (EIC) of two journals, the first being Internet Research (Emerald, Impact Factor of 3.017 at the end of my tenure) and currently of Information Processing & Management (Elsevier, Impact Factor of 3.892). The focus will be on the mechanics of the journey, including cover letters, items on a manuscript checklist, what happens to your manuscript once submitted, handling communication with the EIC and other editors, the crafting of the response to the reviewers, the revising of manuscript, and polishing the final accepted article. We will also touch on the influence of citations, impact factors, h-index, m-index, and the contribution of reviewing on the academic research process, in what will hopefully be a discussion more than a presentation.
Dr. Jansen is a Principal Scientist in the social computing group of the Qatar Computing Research Institute. He is a graduate of West Point and has a Ph.D. in computer science from Texas A&M University. Professor Jansen is editor-in-chief of the journal, Information Processing & Management (Elsevier), a member of the editorial boards of seven international journals, and former editor-in-chief of the journal, Internet Research (Emerald). He has received several awards and honors, including an ACM Research Award, six application development awards, and a university-level teaching award, along with other writing, publishing, research, teaching, and leadership honors. Dr. Jansen has authored or co-authored 300 or so research publications, with articles appearing in a multi-disciplinary range of journals and conferences. He is author of the book, Understanding Sponsored Search: A Coverage of the Core Elements of Keyword Advertising (Cambridge University Press).