


嘉    宾:徐东溟 教授(澳大利亚昆士兰大学)

地    点:pg电子官网 A211会议室

主 持 人:朱庆华 教授

主    题:Tri-Factors of IT-Enabled Innovation Success in Professional Services

时    间:20191223日(周一)上午10:00


Information system success has always been a prominent topic in IS research. As providers of high quality IS services, service-oriented firms acquire sustainable long-term competitive advantages through innovation in core competencies. Particularly, Professional Services Firms (PSFs) are harnessing technological advances to re-orientate their business to concentrate on the delivery of IT-enabled services. However, success continues to be elusive for PSFs due to the heterogeneity, inseparability, intangibility, and perishability of services. Consequently, this study attempts to uncover the drivers of innovation success or failure in IT-enabled professional services. Embracing a comparative case study approach, we analyzed both successful and failure cases of IT service innovation in Capgemini Netherlands. Through synthesizing dual-factors theory, we advocate a tri-factorial view of the NSD process whereby we distinguish among hygiene, enabling, and inhibiting factors for each of the three phases of planning, development, and launch in NSD. Implications for theory and practice are discussed.


Doctor Dongming Xu is a Senior Lecturer from the Business School at the University of Queensland in Australia. She holds a PhD from the City University of Hong Kong in Information systems. Dr Xu's research focuses on the confluence of information technology use and information technology innovation to reach a deep understanding of how information systems are used and how information systems influence the society. In recent years, she primarily works on IT entrepreneurship that focuses on the understanding of hi-tech start-ups development and the relationship between IT innovation and business performance. Her research usually combines theoretical model building, laboratory and field experiments and the development of prototype systems. Dr Xu's previous research outputs have been published in more than 70 top tier journals and conference proceedings, such as IEEE Transaction on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Information and Management, Decision Support Systems, and the Expert Systems with Applications and many others. Currently, she is an Associate Editor with Information & Management, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Australasian Journal of Information Systems, among others.
