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Research Issues in the Study of Knowledge and Information Management in Organisations: moving away from obsolete dichotomies!
报告人: Dr Miguel Baptista Nunes, The University of Sheffield, Information School
主持人: 叶鹰 教授
报告时间:2013年4月27日 下午3:00-5:
报告厅 逸夫管理科学楼704室
This seminar aims at discussing and exploring the links between traditionally opposing philosophical views of research in Knowledge and Information Management, such as, positivism versus interpretivism research approaches, quantitative versus qualitative research methods and technology focus versus user-centred design of systems. The discussion will lead to the exploration of mixed-methods and their advantages over often artificially perceived purist views.
MIGUEL Baptista NUNES – BSc (Lisbon, Portugal), MSc (Sheffield), PhD(Sheffield), MBCS, FHEA, FIMIS, is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Information Studies in the University of Sheffield. He is currently the Head of the Information Systems Research Group.
He has been involved in research in information systems for the last 16 years. He has published widely in the field (more than 182 academic articles including 14 SSCI academic journal papers, 16 other academic refereed papers, 2 books and contributions to International Conferences) and participated in a number of EU and UK funded projects as well as chaired several International Conferences.