学 术 讲 座
题 目:Managerial Characteristics of Library and Information Center and
Library Customer Satisfaction
主讲人:Dong-Geun Oh (吴东根)博士, 韩国启明大学教授
主 持:欧石燕 教授
时 间:2013年11月1日(星期五)下午2:00~3:00
地 点:南京大学鼓楼校区逸夫管理科学楼704室
讲座摘要 This lecture will try to introduce various aspects related to the
library customer satisfaction, focusing on the change of the paradigm from
that based on the service supplier of library to that based on the library
users or customers. In this regard, after discussing the managerial
characteristics of the library, the emergence and trends of some major
theories related to the service quality of the library and customer
satisfaction. The later part of it will introduce so-called “Library Customer
Satisfaction Index (LCSI)” which the presenter has tried to develop for many
years. It is hoped that good ideas and discussions from the audiences can be
suggested for the future research on the newly-developing model on library
Dong-Geun Oh教授简历:
Dong-Geun Oh, Ph.D., MLIS, MBA, is a Professor of the Department of Library
and Information Science since 1992; Dean of the School of Library and
Information Service; Director of Research Institute of Social Sciences,
Keimyung University, South Korea. His research interests range from the
cataloguing and classification to library and information center management.
He has (co-) written or edited more than 13 books and published more than 100
articles both in the national and international journals. He has been a Vice
President (3 times) of the Korean Library and Information Science Society,
Chairperson of the Classification Committee of Korean Library Association (KLA
), and Co-Editors in Chief, Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice
, International Journal, and Editor in Chief of the Journal of the Korean
Society for Library and Information Science. He was also the national
committee members of the Korean Government and its organizations. He has also
served as Library Committee Chairs and members of the Public libraries in
Daegu Metropolitan City. He is the recipients of “Korean Library Award 2001”
(KLA), “Best Research Award 2002” (Keimyung University), "Academy Award 200
9" (Korean Library and Information Science Society), and “Distinguished
Achievement Award 2012” (Keimyung University), and has been selected 6 times
as “Bisa Distinguished Research Professor” from Keimyung University. He has
done more than 30 research project from various foundations and institutes. He
has had more than 100 lectures home and abroad, including India, Japan and