
威斯康星大学Hemant Jain:Big Data and Internet of Things for Real Time Management of Global Manufacturing


 pg电子官网 学术报告会 

演讲主题:Big Data and Internet of Things for Real Time Management of Global 
Manufacturing Environment

演讲人:Dr. Hemant Jain    美国威斯康星大学教授

主持人:朱庆华 教授



演讲人简介: Hemant K Jain博士是美国威斯康星大学信息技术管理系教授、医疗信息科
学研究所主任, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing杂志副主编、国际信息系统
协会旗舰杂志Journal of AIS编委。其研究工作主要集中在信息系统、云计算、服务计算
、物联网、商务智能、电子商务等领域,在MIS Quarterly、Information System 
Research、Journal of Management Information System、European Journal of 
Information Systems、Decision Sciences、Naval Research Logistics等国际著名期刊
和International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)、Americans Conference
 on Information Systems(ACIS)等国际信息系统领域顶级学术会议上发表了学术论文110
余篇。他曾担任IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2008,2010)、
IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2006)、IEEE sevices 
congress(2013)等会议的大会主席和 IEEE international conference on Big Data(201

演讲内容简介:Based on the latest developments in service oriented 
architecture, complex event processing, and smart cyber-agent technologies and
 Big Data processing this research seeks to develop an approach called SES for
 the composition of systems for real time management of global manufacturing 
environment from existing agents and services.  Specifically, we focus on the 
problem of identifying the appropriate level of granularity for smart cyber-
agents, the delegation of appropriate decision making authority and 
responsibility to these agents, and definition of services along with standard
 interfaces provided by the smart agents.  We also focus on deriving end to 
end reliability of these complex systems.
