报告题目:iCollaboration for iEducation
报告人:Dr. Pnina Fichman
Assoc.Professor and Chair, Dept. of Information and Library Science, Indiana University, USA
主持人:叶鹰 教授 (Prof. Dr. Fred Y. Ye)
报告时间:2014年10月21日(星期二)上午10: 30-11:30
Dr. Pnina Fichman is a Social Informatics scholar who studies the social aspects of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the mutual shaping of ICT and people, groups, organizations and society in various sociotechnical environments. Her studies focus specifically on 1) the interaction between ICTs and cultural diversity, and the consequences and impacts of this interaction on group process and outcomes; 2) online trolling and other deviant behaviors; and 3) dynamics and outcomes of virtual teams and online communities and crowds.
Dr. Fichman is now the Chair of the Departmnet of Information and Library Science in the School of Informatics and Computing, the co-Director of the Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics, the co-Director of the Doctoral Minor in Social Informatics, and an Affiliated Faculty with the School of Global and International Studies at Indiana University, Bloomington.