嘉宾:孙天澍(Tianshu Sun)博士
Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, USA
主题: PhD Training in Information System at United States: Thoughts from My Own Experience
主持人: 孙建军教授、院长
Tianshu Sun graduates from Nanjing University in 2009 (BS in Physics) and is currently pursuing his PhD in Information System at Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland (MS in Physics 2011, PhD expected 2016). His research is focused on information and resource sharing in social network (e.g. viral message design, social incentive design, group donation, sharing economy, word of mouth), with special emphasis on the role of firm in improving such sharing process. His research has been featured at top IS conferences (ICIS, WISE, CIST, INFORMS, SCECR, Marketing Science, IIOC) and recognized by various awards including INFORMS Service Science Best Student Paper Award, CSWIM Best Paper Finalist, Marketing Science Institute Competition Award, Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) Global Young Scholar. He has received various Scholarship and Grant from National Science Foundation, US Department of Education, NBER, MSI, SCECR, University of Maryland and Nanjing University.
Tianshu is extremely interested in solving real world problems and has worked very closely with leading big data organizations in US and China including Adobe and LivingSocial. He also leverages his research and industry experience into teaching big data analytics at both undergrad (Database & Data Mining) and Phd level (Field Experiment).
The talk will consist of two parts: (1)the key elements of Information System PhD training at United States, with emphasis on the design of curriculum, the accumulation of research experience, the collaboration with industry and the process of dissertation defense. (2) three large-scale field experiments on the topic of information sharing among individuals (a topic he have been extremely interested in and intensively studied in the past few years).