嘉宾:杜佳(Tina Du)博士
School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences
University of South Australia
主题: Re-considering information behaviour: An information journey perspective
Dr Tina Du works at the University of South Australia. She holds a PhD in information science from the Queensland University of Technology, Australia. She was 2010 Highly Commended Award Winner of prestigious Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards in the Information Science Category for her PhD thesis "Multitasking, Cognitive Coordination and Cognitive Shifts During Web Searching" (only three recipients in this international open competition). Her research interests are in interactive information retrieval, Web search, multitasking, user cognition, and human information behaviour. Dr Du serves as Editorial Advisory Board Member of two international journals Online Information Review and the Aslib Journal of Information Management. She has published one (1) research book, three (3) scholarly book chapters and 53 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings, including 10 SCI/SSCI. Her publications are in international leading journals and conferences including the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), Information Research, the Journal of Academic Librarianship (JAL), and ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, etc. She has won seven research grants that secured nearly AU$340,000 in competitive funding from the Australian government and industries. The projects all explore the interplay between human, information, and Web technology in diverse contexts including education, workplace, and everyday life.
杜佳博士目前任教于澳大利亚南澳大学信息技术学院,是全球iSchool联盟成员单位。她分别于2004年和2006年毕业于南京大学获得本科和硕士学位,并于2010年毕业于澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学获得信息科学博士学位。她的博士论文“网络搜索环境下的多任务处理,认知协同和认知转变”获得了国际权威Emerald/EFMD优秀博士研究奖。从2010年至今,杜佳已发表出版了专业书籍1部 (由世界著名出版社IGI Global出版),53篇国际期刊和会议文章,包括10篇由SCI/SSCI论文。
杜博士的研究工作主要集中在交互式网络搜索,在线多任务处理,用户认知和用户信息行为,这些都是当前信息科学与信息技术领域的重点和热门课题。其科研的立足点是寻找解决问题的方案,立足于解决问题。所做研究是以用户为中心,重在理解并评价用户感受,并对产品/系统的设计提出改进建议和帮助决策者作出合理的有依据的决策。杜博士是7个研究项目的主持人或共同主持人。她的研究项目获得了来自澳大利亚政府教育指导委员会(OLT)、澳大利亚互联网域名基金(auDA Foundation)、南澳大学以及其他机构的资助。总资助额度为34万澳币 (相当于近200万元人民币)。杜博士目前在南澳大学指导和共同指导了8个博士生。她是澳大利亚图书馆与信息协会理事和学术期刊 Aslib Journal of Information Management 和Online Information Review 编委会成员。