
pg电子官网 学术交流会-唐蓉博士



      美国Simmons College图书情报学院副教授(终身教职)

主题:Information Behavior Research: Past, Present, and Future


地点:pg电子官网 224会议室



唐蓉,美国韦恩州立大学硕士(1995),美国北卡罗来纳大学博士(1999)。现为美国西蒙斯学院图书情报学院副教授(获终身教授资格)、可用性实验室主任、博士学科主任、图书信息教育学会(ALISE)对外关系主任、信息科学与技术学会(ASIST)出版委员会主席、国立台湾大学图书资讯学系暨研究所客座教授(2013年8月-2014年1月)、哈佛大学天文物理中心访问科学家(Visiting Scientist)(2014年2月-6月)、江苏大学外聘教授(2014年5月至今)。

研究领域包括:可用性测试与评价研究、用户需求与行为评估研究、在线搜索思维模型研究、文献计量学与引用行为研究以及研究方法和设计研究等领域,迄今在Journal of the American Society for Information Science,Information Processing & Management,Library and Information Science Research,the Journal of Documentation, Perspective on Psychological Science,Scientometrics,the Library Quarterly,Education for Information等国际图书情报学权威期刊及会议专辑发表学术论文四十余篇。

近期研究项目有:2017年-2018年,WGBH PBCore Usability Assessment(Grant from National Endowment of Humanities)项目主持人;2015年至今,Information Behavior Scholarly Discourse,项目主持人;2016年至今,Mobile News Information Behavior项目主持人。


Information Behavior (IB) research, as a part of the broader information science research, went through its first significant paradigm shift in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The shift was marked by changing empirical attention of information retrieval research from a system orientation to a user-centered focus. Even though over the years there have been terminology debates regarding whether information need or information behavior are valid areas of research, key information behavior models were given birth, and the IB research flourished with a multitude of general information behavior models and information seeking models of specific contexts (e.g., ELIS), accompanied with a high quantity of empirical studies. At the present time, as claimed by Marchionini (2008), the IB research should have made the shift from investigating three discrete elements of information (information objects, people, and technology) separately, to studying the interaction and co-dependence of these elements. Marchionini further indicates that information scientists should adopt an ecological view in their research.  Nevertheless, as revealed by Greifeneder (2014), currently there have been a very limited number of research studies on mobile technology, and no research on ubiquitous access. The new information reality gives rise to new information behavior and experience that would not have been captured or predicted by earlier IB models. It is time for a third paradigm shift and a new theoretical breakthrough, the one that shakes the foundation of traditional LIS research, and takes into full account of the emergent information reality where false information is produced without easy detection, and ubiquitous and mobile access to information enables users to no longer have the need to seek information as they already are overly-exposed to plentiful information of multiple sources and varying formats.
