美国北卡大学教堂山分校Javed Mostafa教授学术讲座
嘉 宾:Javed Mostafa 博士(美国北卡大学教堂山分校)
题 目:Consumer Health Information Searching: Toward Automated, Trustworthy, and Secure Personalization
时 间:2018年6月21日(周四)上午9点
地 点:pg电子官网 A211会议室
Searching for health information is one of the most frequent online activities. Unfortunately, the content retrieved often are confusing and contain documents from unreliable sources. To make matters worse, search engines do not employ vocabularies consistently in their representations of content -- during the crawl and indexing process terms as found in source documents are utilized as metadata. In this talk, I will discuss three projects that are exploring ways to improve health information seeking: 1) Automated vocabulary and concept generation system, 2) An interface that employs visualization to support navigation and retrieval of health related information and 2) A machine-learning based consumer health information system that learns from interactions with its users and can support personalized delivery of health information. The talk will conclude with a discussion on privacy and security measures and a new architecture for supporting the online transmission of sensitive health information.
Javed Mostafa, Frances McColl Distinguished Term Professor at the UNC School of Information and Library Science (SILS), is the Director of the Carolina Health Informatics Program and the Director of the Laboratory of Applied Informatics Research. His research concentrates on information retrieval problems, particularly related to search and user-system interactions in large-scale document/data repositories. He also serves as the Deputy Director of the Biomedical Informatics Core at the NC Translational & Clinical Sciences Institute and has current research engagements in biomedical data mining, analysis, visualization, user interface design, and multi-modal human-computer interaction. He regularly serves on program and organizing committees for major conferences and participates as reviewer for major grant initiatives.
Javed served as an associate editor for the ACM Transactions on Information Systems for eight years. He currently serves as editor-in-chief of the Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology and also serves as an associate editor of the ACM Transactions on Internet Technology.