受教育部港澳与内地高等学校师生交流计划(简称“万 人 计 划”)项目资助的由pg电子官网-博彩电子游戏
和香港大学教育学院联合举办的“人工智能驱动下信息管理研究前沿论坛(Online Forum on Artificial Intelligence in Information Management)”因疫情防控原因改为线上举行,时间为2022年11月5日。具体议程如下。欢迎参会!
Forum on Artificial Intelligence in Information Management
CHINA VISION 中國視野 - China 10,000 Exchange Programme 2022
Date: November 5 (Saturday), 2022
Forum Chairs: Prof. Qinghua Zhu, Nanjing University (NJU); Prof. Minhong (Maggie) Wang,The University of Hong Kong (HKU)
Session Chairs: Jiaqi Yan, Chenjia Zhu
Meeting link: //hku.zoom.us/j/91716640775?pwd=SENWdVM3VEJkbWUzdEJDVVZzU0djZz09
Session I: 9:00-12:00
Welcome address
Prof. Rui Yang, Dean, Faculty of Education, HKU
Prof. Lei Pei, Associate Dean, School of Information Management, NJU
AI in information management and beyond
Prof. Minhong (Maggie) Wang, Faculty of Education, HKU
Algorithm and Human
Prof. Zhenhui (Jack) Jiang, Business School, HKU
AI in social services
Prof. Michael Chau, Business School, HKU
Publication trends in Library & Information Science: Focusing on AI & blockchain
Dr. Dickson Chiu, Faculty of Education, HKU
Integrating online and offline data in social computing
Dr. Shihui Feng, Faculty of Education, HKU
Session II: 14:00-17:00
The Darkside of Cryptocurrency Markets: Characterizing and Detecting Abnormal Transactions
Prof. Jiaqi (Jackie) Yan, School of Information Management, NJU
Explaining the Outcomes of Social Gamification: A Longitudinal Field Experiment Using a Gamified Fitness App
Dr. Lele Kang, School of Information Management, NJU
Multi-Instance Causal Representation Learning
Dr. Weijia Zhang, School of Computer Science and Engineering, Southeast University
The Transformative Roles of Information Technology in Rural-Urban Healthcare Access
Dr. Yani Shi, School of Economics and Management, Southeast University
The Beauty of Network Science: Visualizing the Order from Complexity
Dr. Hongliang Sun, College of Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Finance & Economics